praise the delightful German nursery tales, and Cruikshank'sillustrations of them? We coupled his name with pantomimeawhile since, and sure never pantomimes were more charmingthan these. Of all the artists that ever drew, from MichaelAngelo upwards and downwards, Cruikshank was the man toillustrate these tales, and give them just the proper admixture ofthe grotesque, the wonderful, and the graceful. May all MotherBunch's collection be similarly indebted to him; may ' Jack theGiant Killer,' may Tom Thumb,' may Puss in Boots,' be oneday revivified by his pencil. Is not Whittington sitting yet onHighgate Hill, and poor Cinderella (in that sweetest of all fairystories) still pining in her lonely chimney nook ? A man who hasa true affection for these delightful companions of his youth isbound to be grateful to them if he can, and we pray Mr Cruikshank to remember them.